PLAYLOAD manpage

PLAYLOAD(1) General Commands Manual


playload — Peer-to-Peer (P2P) command line transport system for exchanging messages between participating parties (peers) over serial TTY (COM) ports.


playload -l [-q ] [-d ]
playload -a [-L <locator> ] [--config <config> ] [ {-p <peers/ports[…]> | --pattern <peers/ports/pattern> [--count <peers/ports/count> ] } ] [-b <peers/ports/baud> ] [--data-bits <peers/ports/dataBits> ] [--stop-bits <peers/ports/stopBits> ] [--parity <peers/ports/parity> ] [--ack <peers/acknowledge/mode> ] [-q ] [-d ] [--force ]
playload -f -s <source>-d <destination>-m <message> [-q ] [-d ] [--force ]
playload --init [--config <config> ] [-q ]
playload -L <locator> --clean [-q ] [-d ]
playload -h | --sysinfo [-q ]


This manual page documents the playload command: The playload command attaches -a a peer with a locator -L (integer) to multiple serial (COM) ports --port or ports identified by a pattern --pattern and a port count --count (having all ports configured with a baud rate --baud-rate, data bits --data-bits, stop bits --stop-bits and parity --parity) or forwards -f a message -m from an already attached and locally running source peer -s to another already attached destination peer -d. All being configurable --config in a playload.ini configuration file.

Depending on the executable’s flavor the command might also be named playload-x.y.z.jar, playload-bundle-x86_64-x.y.z.elf, playload-bundle-x86_64-x.y.z.exe, playload-installer-x86_64-x.y.z.msi,, playload-launcher-x86_64-x.y.z.elf, playload-launcher-x86_64-x.y.z.exe, playload-native-x86_64-x.y.z.elf where x.y.z stands for the version of the playload command. The according executable’s name will be referenced to in this manual as playload.


--ack <peers/acknowledge/mode>: The acknowledge mode to use for transmissions: { ON, OFF }
--clean: Clean any temporoary (lock) files.
--config <config>: Specifies the resource (file) to use when loading the configuration.
--count <peers/ports/count>: The number of ports to bind (if omitted, all according ports are bound).
--data-bits <peers/ports/dataBits>: The data bits to use for the TTY (COM) serial port(s) (usually a value of 7 or 8).
--force: Forces execution without user confirmation.
--init: Initialize the configuration (from a template).
--parity <peers/ports/parity>: The parity to use for the TTY (COM) serial port(s): { AUTO, NONE, ODD, EVEN, MARK, SPACE }
--pattern <peers/ports/pattern>: The name pattern for the ports to to bind (“*“=any characters, “?”=one character).
--stop-bits <peers/ports/stopBits>: The stop bits to use for the TTY (COM) serial port(s): { AUTO, ONE, ONE_POINT_FIVE, TWO }
--sysinfo: Shows some system information for debugging purposes.
-a --attach: Attach peer to P2P network.
-b --baud <peers/ports/baud>: The baud rate to use for the TTY (COM) serial port(s).
-d --debug: Enables the debug mode with additional (developer readable) informational output.
-d --destination <destination>: The locator ID of the destination peer.
-f --forward: Forward a request to the P2P network.
-h --help: Shows this help.
-l --list: List all detected TTY (COM) serial ports.
-L --locator <locator>: The locator ID of the peer.
-m --message <message>: The message to be sent.
-p --port <peers/ports[…]>: The COM (serial) port(s) to attach.
-q --quiet: Enables the quiet mode without any informational output.
-s --source <source>: The locator ID of the source peer.


List all available TTY (COM) ports:

  • playload -l

Attach peer to P2P network on given ports:

  • playload -a -L <locator>-p <peers/ports[…]>

Attach peer to P2P network on specified ports:

  • playload -a -L <locator> --pattern <peers/ports/pattern>

Attach peer to P2P network using the given config:

  • playload -a --config <config>

Forward data to P2P network:

  • playload -s <source>-d <destination> -f -m <message>

Initialize default config file:

  • playload --init

Initialize specific config file:

  • playload --init --config <config>

Clean the peer’s lock file:

  • playload --clean -L <locator>

To show the help text:

  • playload -h

To print the system info:

  • playload --sysinfo


The playload.ini configuration file supports the following properties:

  • locator=The peer’s locator, e.g. 1
  • peers/acknowledge/mode=The communication’s acknowledge mode, e.g. ON
  • peers/acknowledge/retryNumber=The number of retires listening for an acknowledge, e.g. 5
  • peers/acknowledge/timeoutInMs=The time in milliseconds for each acknowledge retry, e.g. 10000
  • peers/reply/retryNumber=In case of a request, the number of retires listening for a reply, e.g. 5
  • peers/reply/timeoutInMs=In case of a request, the time in milliseconds for each reply retry, e.g. 10000
  • peers/ports/0=The first port to bind, e.g. ttyUSB0
  • peers/ports/1=The second port to bind, e.g. ttyUSB1
  • peers/ports/2=The third port to bind, e.g. ttyUSB2
  • peers/ports/pattern=The name pattern for the ports to to bind (“*“=any characters, “?“=one character), e.g. ttyUSB*
  • peers/ports/count=The number of ports to bind (if omitted, all according ports are bound).
  • peers/ports/baud=The baud rate to use for the TTY (COM) serial port, e.g. 9600
  • peers/ports/stopBits=The stop bits to use for the TTY (COM) serial port, e.g. AUTO
  • peers/ports/parity=The parity to use for the TTY (COM) serial port, e.g. NONE
  • peers/ports/dataBits=The data bits to use for the TTY (COM) serial port, e.g. 8

The playload.ini configuration file must be located either in the current user’s working directory, the playload executable’s folder or subfolder settings, etc or config or the user home’s ~/.config folder or in the /etc folder (in this precedence).


See BitBucket issues at <>


Siegfried Steiner