Using TTY2MQTT to bridge between serial communication and MQTT
The TTY2MQTT command line tool is a bridge between TTY (COM) serial communication and an MQTT message broker easily harnessing your IoT devices into the Cloud.
Scrolling and fading video conferencing with PixGRID
The year 2020 was the year of video conferencing and remote meetings (“corona”) … how can you ease the situation of your colleagues when the meetings are getting boring?
Experimenting with sinusoids and overlaying waves
A small Java tool teams up with your shell’s pipes and filters to provide a curve functions experimentation box
Fun with cellular automatons, BoulderDash and the Watchdog!
The WATCHDOG artifact is some demo application featuring show-cases on cellular automatons being built with the REFCODES.ORG artifacts.
Restful JShell … RestREPL your Java 9’s JShell!
Java 9’s JShell can not only be used as a command line tool, furthermore you can use it in your own Java application. Learn on how to harness the JShell by building a restful service around it.