BIN2TXT manpage

BIN2TXT(1) General Commands Manual


bin2txt — Encoding and decoding tool for BASE64 and related encodings/decodings from/to ASCII to/from binary.


bin2txt { -e | -d } [ { -t <text> | -b <bytes> } [ --hex ] [ --encoding <encoding> ] [ -v ] [ --debug ] ]
bin2txt { -e [ --line-width <lineWidth> ] | -d } -i <inputFile> -o <outputFile> [ --encoding <encoding> ] [ -v ] [ --debug ]
bin2txt { -e [ --line-width <lineWidth> ] | -d } { -i <inputFile> | -o <outputFile> [ -v ] [ --debug ] } [ --encoding <encoding> ]
bin2txt -h | --sysinfo [ -v ]


This manual page documents the bin2txt command: The bin2txt command encodes --encode (using an optional line width --line-width) or decodes --decode binary data to or from BASE64 encoded or otherwise encoded --encoding data from a provided text --text or bytes --bytes message or an input file --input-file or STDIN to an output file --output-file or STDOUT (using an optional hexadecimal --hex notation for a message’s output).

Depending on the executable’s flavor the command might also be named bin2txt-x.y.z.jar, bin2txt-bundle-x86_64-x.y.z.elf, bin2txt-bundle-x86_64-x.y.z.exe, bin2txt-installer-x86_64-x.y.z.msi,, bin2txt-launcher-x86_64-x.y.z.elf, bin2txt-launcher-x86_64-x.y.z.exe, bin2txt-native-x86_64-x.y.z.elf where x.y.z stands for the version of the bin2txt command. The according executable’s name will be referenced to in this manual as bin2txt.


-b --bytes <bytes>: The message in bytes (e.g. “127, 128, 0x10, 0xFF”) which to process.
--debug: Enables the debug mode with additional (developer readable) informational output.
-d --decode: Decodes the given message.
-e --encode: Encodes the given message.
--encoding <encoding>: The BASE (e.g. BASE64) encoding/decoding to be applied for handling encoded data: { BASE2, BINARY, BASE4, BASE8, OCTAL, ENCODED_AS_NUMBER, BASE16, HEXADECIMAL, BASE32, BASE64, BASE64_ARABIC, BASE64_URL }
-h --help: Shows this help.
--hex: Use a hexadecimal representation of (binary) output.
-i --input-file <inputFile>: The input file which to process from.
--line-width <lineWidth>: The line width when outputting text.
-o --output-file <outputFile>: The output file which to process to.
--sysinfo: Shows some system information for debugging purposes.
-t --text <text>: The text message which to process.
-v --verbose: Enables the verbose mode with additional (human readable) informational output.


Encode a text message:

  • bin2txt -e -t <text> -v

Decode a text message:

  • bin2txt -d -t <text> -v

Encode a message in bytes:

  • bin2txt -e -b <bytes> -v

Decode a message in bytes:

  • bin2txt -d -b <bytes> -v

Encode input file to output file:

  • bin2txt -e -i <inputFile> -o <outputFile> -v

Decode input file to output file:

  • bin2txt -d -i <inputFile> -o <outputFile> -v

Encode STDIN file to output file:

  • bin2txt -e -o <outputFile>

Decode input file to STDOUT:

  • bin2txt -d -i <inputFile>

Encode STDIN to STDOUT (BASE64 encoding):

  • bin2txt -e

Decode STDIN (BASE64 encoding) to STDOUT:

  • bin2txt -d

To show the help text:

  • bin2txt -h

To print the system info:

  • bin2txt --sysinfo


See BitBucket issues at <>


Siegfried Steiner